Binge Drinking Alcohol, Bruising Or Discoloration, Dizziness And Dry Skin

Nikola SucurSober living

Alcohol, especially red wine, can decrease platelet function which can make you more likely to bruise. Avoid drinking alcohol at least 24 hours prior to treatment and the night of your treatment. It’s also common to notice your hands and feet swelling after walking around all day on a hot day. That could be because dehydration is sending your body into conservation mode. When you don’t get enough water, your cells hold on to as much water as possible, which causes swelling. Swelling after a night of drinking is usually temporary and may be gone within 24 to 48 hours.

Ex-soldier bursts into laughter outside court after mauling two policewomen – Manchester Evening News

Ex-soldier bursts into laughter outside court after mauling two policewomen.

Posted: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 11:02:26 GMT [source]

Therefore, it may not be the tripping, falling or bumping that you may have thought. A traditional bruise comes about after your body endures some impact.


According to the National Kidney Foundation, alcoholism and bruising drinking for women involves having more than three drinks in one day or more than seven drinks per week. Heavy drinking for men involves more than four drinks in one day or more than 14 drinks per week. While the liver is designed to filter out toxins, the sensitive cells that line the liver can be damaged by alcohol exposure. Your liver can begin to develop fatty deposits because of alcohol exposure, and that fat makes it harder for your liver to work effectively. If you keep drinking, your liver can swell, and cells within the liver can die.

excessive alcohol consumption

To avoid bruises, crack down on clutter at home and always wear protective gear when you exercise or play sports. If you’re having nosebleeds for no reason, if your gums bleed a lot after you brush or floss, or if small cuts or scrapes seem to bleed heavily, call your doctor. Steroids like prednisone can also cause easy bruising, because they thin the skin. If you notice this happening, don’t stop taking your medication, but do talk to your doctor about it. If you’re having difficulty drinking heavily, you might want to consult a doctor to rule out any liver or peripheral nerve issues. If you have any concerns about your drinking, you should consult with your doctor about how to reduce or eliminate it. Most alcoholic drinks are laden with sugar, so if you’re drinking too much then you could also be piling on the pounds.

How is alcohol-induced hepatitis diagnosed?

Numerous clinical observations support the notion that alcohol adversely affects the production and function of virtually all types of blood cells. Thus, alcohol is directly toxic to the bone marrow, which contains the precursors of all blood cells, as well as to the mature cells circulating in the bloodstream. Moreover, long-term excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with various physiological, biochemical, and metabolic processes involving the blood cells. The medical consequences of these adverse effects can be severe. These direct effects may be exacerbated by the presence of other alcohol-related disorders, such as liver disease and nutritional deficiencies. Abstinence can reverse many of alcohol’s effects on hematopoiesis and blood cell functioning. In addition to interfering with the proper absorption of iron into the hemoglobin molecules of red blood cells (RBC’s), alcohol use can lead to either iron deficiency or excessively high levels of iron in the body.

Many blood disorders result from impaired or abnormal production of blood cells. For example, different types of leukemia are characterized by the accumulation in the bone marrow of WBC precursors at specific developmental stages. Neurologic examination showed intact power and sensation to pain, pressure and vibration. Systemic examination was significant for smooth liver margin palpable at least 2 cm below the costal margin with a liver span of approximately 9 cm and splenomegaly. Labs at admission were significant for hemoglobin (9.2 mg/dl), hematocrit (26.8%), reticulocyte index (1.4), mean corpuscular volume (105.2 fl) and platelet count (64,000/μl).

Some Types of Cancer

When you start drinking alcohol, you will most likely experience a decrease in your ability to make judgments and decisions. The liver does a good job at this, but it has trouble keeping up if heavy quantities of alcohol have been ingested. This is when you may become intoxicated and feel the effects of alcohol.

  • Stopping alcohol abruptly after long-term heavy drinking can also lead to alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which commonly manifests as symptoms like nausea and vomiting.
  • Alcohol withdrawal can occur when alcohol use has been heavy and prolonged and is then stopped or greatly reduced.
  • Instead, it is converted into a storage form called ferritin, which can accumulate in RBC precursors, often forming granules that encircle the cell’s nucleus.
  • If you use alcohol excessively, you may sustain injuries or accidents that will not heal if you are sober.
  • While alcohol can directly cause these skin changes, if you are drinking to the extent where you have suffered liver damage, this can also contribute to the appearance of extra veins.
  • This is usually achieved if you consume five or more standard drinks on a single occasion for men or four or more drinks on a single occasion for women.

If you have tried to stop drinking in the past with no success, then it may be time to seek professional help. A certified substance abuse clinician or counselor can help you find out the underlying cause of your drinking and work with you in addressing the issue and curbing your addiction to alcohol. Family members may express concern about drinking habits and behaviors that you engage in while intoxicated. There’s another potential consequence of drinking and alcohol vasodilation. If you’ve ever had surgery, you may have been told to stop drinking 48 hours before. That’s because the vasodilating effects of alcohol can last longer than you think, even after you’ve stopped feeling the effects of alcohol. The first is that you’ll bleed a lot, and doctors will have to work hard to make sure you don’t lose too much blood.